A song is made with lyrics and an album by songs. I started with the beginning which is the lyrics and I’ll finish with the end, the albums. The album Dangerously in Love was released on June 24th, 2003 and I am… Sasha Fierce on November 18th, 2008. These, two albums are pretty different in many ways and that’s why they’ll be compared on the basis of one song from each album, on their themes, and their popularity.
Strong words are spoke in the songs Single Ladies in I am…Sasha Fierce and Crazy in Love in Dangerously in Love, even if in both songs the words are strong they express different meanings. Single Ladies, expresses how life is good being a single woman and, that even if you don’t have a boyfriend you are still a strong woman, and at the same time you can have fun. But, Crazy in Love, talks about a girl that is deep in love with a man and that everything about that man makes her even more in love. The songs are made with sounds and the albums too, the two albums as different ones, and they’ll be compared in the next paragraph.
The sounds aren’t similar at all, one is soft and the other one is funky. In her first album, Dangerously in Love, the sound is soft and calm although in the latest album, I Am…Sasha Fierce, it’s funky and playful. Her first album is more an album, on which you cry, or listen to when you’re sad, or even when you’re absolutely in love with someone or are willing to be. But, her latest album is more dedicated to people that have energy to lose or just listen to music alone or with your friends and dance to it, either happy or sad. When the songs and the sounds are good the popularity of the album goes up, the last paragraph compares the popularity of the both albums.
When you have nobody to listen, appreciate, or even critique the albums that you create it isn’t worth making them. That’s why I’ll compare the popularity between the two albums that Beyoncé created during a different moment of time in her career. In one of Beyoncé’s sites her album, I Am...Sasha Fierce got 65%, of its popularity, and Dangerously in Love 16%. Both albums debuted at number 1 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart but, Dangerously in Love was less popular in the first week with only 317,000 copies whereas I Am…Sasha Fierce sold 482,000 copies. Although, to date, the album Dangerously in Love sold over 10 million copies worldwide, and I Am…Sasha Fierce more than 6 millions, Dangerously in Love is an album that has been sold for 7 years and I Am… Sasha Fierce only for 2 years. So within 2 years, her most recent album sold 2/5 of what her first album sold. With those calculations, I may find that I Am…Sasha Fierce, is an album better enjoyed and recognized probably because more people know Beyoncé now than in 2003, when her first record album came out.
In this industry, sometimes it takes time to get known by everyone: the sellers, the buyers, the journalists, and others who influence your career. However, when you’re known, it’s worth waiting and trying to be the finest because everything changes. The numbers spoke for themselves: her popularity had grown and her style had changed. The music world needs a lot of work to remain in it, it reveals that Beyoncé’s a great and persevering artist, or else she wouldn’t be where she’s standing right now.